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CNK-ODOC suicide prevention submission 2022

more: Submissions

10th July 2022

We considered, in particular, the arguments and evidence of the debate on assisted suicide in responding to the Department of Health consultation.

In April, the Department of Health and Social Care invited "the general public, people of all ages with lived experience of mental health conditions and those who support people with mental ill-health… to respond to a 12-week call for evidence to inform a new 10-year mental health plan and a refreshed national suicide prevention plan seeking views on what can be improved within the current service, particularly in light of the pandemic which has led to record levels of people seeking treatment."

Care Not Killing and Our Duty of Care made a joint submission, central to which were two key messages:

  1. the need to recognise and respond to the relationship between mental ill-health and physical ill-health; and
  2. the need to state that all lives are equally valuable. No suicide is less tragic than another.

Click here to read our submissionClick here to read our submission


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