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'Suicide pods ready within a year' - CNK responds

more: Media centre

29th August 2023

Extremist assisted suicide activist Philip Nitschke announces that his 3D-printed suicide pods will be ready for general use within a year.

"Dr Gordon Macdonald, chief executive of the alliance Care Not Killing, said: 'The development of personal gas chambers marks a new low in the debate about whether or not to kill people via assisted suicide and euthanasia.

"'What is equally risible is the claim that these will give people a quick pain free death, as this was exactly what was said about the use of death row drugs in the handful of places that have introduced assisted suicide or euthanasia.'"

"'We're ready to use it': Anger at controverisal inventor dubbed 'Dr Death' who says his 3D-printed coffin-like 'suicide capsules' will be used for the first time this YEAR"


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